Zero Waste Periods When You're On The Road

Zero Waste Periods When You're On The Road

Jane H.

Whether you’re schlepping home for the holidays or embarking on a grand global adventure, menstruating sustainably is entirely possible on the road. Modern reusables are easy to use and store, and can be just as convenient as disposables. A big part of travelling ethically is showing respect for the environment that we find ourselves in, whether that is a national park, foreign country or simply the town where your in-laws live. So leave the tampons at home, and take your reusables on the road. 

Consider A Cup

If you’re travelling light with a heavy flow, we encourage you to pick up a menstrual cup. It can be safely cleaned with just soap and water. Although boiling a cup is always a wise idea, medical grade silicone does not need to be sterilized repeatedly. A cup can simply be emptied, wiped clean and reused safely if you do not have access to clean water (hello, camping). 

Double Duty

If space in your luggage is tight, a few pairs of period underwear can be an ideal solution to comfortable menstrual management. The gusset is breathable, absorbent and leakproof, but they feel just like your everyday underwear. Furthermore, if you’re worried you’re going to be surprised by your period in the middle of a 18-hour flight or long bus ride through the Andes, period undies will have your back in total comfort.

Hygiene Matters

You may be wondering how you can keep the products in question clean. If you’re out on a short trip, it may just be a matter of stowing the products in a carry bag until you get home. If you’re on a more extended trip, you might need to consider laundry facilities - a mesh laundry bag will come in handy here. 

Don’t turn to disposables when you travel. One of the best things you can do for the planet is to reduce your waste and keep the planet clean for future generations. It’s no big deal to travel while keeping your period zero waste. Your adventures await!

Photo by Resi Kling on Unsplash

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