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Is Period Underwear Worth It?

Is Period Underwear Worth It?

Period underwear is all the rage right now. Designed to absorb menstrual blood, period underwear prevents leaks and stains without feeling wet or bulky. Sounds awesome, right? But does period underwear live up to the hype? How does period underwear even work?!

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UTI and Your Period

UTI and Your Period

Let’s kick things off with a quick recap: UTI stands for urinary tract infection, an irritating  bacterial invasion that can bring on symptoms like burning during urination, frequent bathroom trips, and funky-smelling urine. Not exactly a party we’re looking to crash.
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A Complete Guide to Period Underwear

A Complete Guide to Period Underwear

Period underwear, period pants, period panties — or period undies as we like to call them here at Aisle - whatever you want to call them, they are having a bit of a moment right now. And, let’s be honest what’s not to like? Comfortable, eco-friendly, and easy-to-use; period underwear really does have it all!
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A person pulling a condom out of the back pocket of another person

Feeling Frisky AF During That Time of the Month - Why You May Feel Hornier During Your Period

Have you ever noticed a surge in your sex drive during your period? Contrary to common misconceptions, feeling hornier during menstruation is not uncommon. Many individuals experience heightened arousal and desire during this time of the month. 
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Rooted in Legacy: Aisle’s Next Chapter

Rooted in Legacy: Aisle’s Next Chapter

We have some very big news to share! Aisle (formerly Lunapads) has been acquired by Lux Perry, the visionary young CEO behind the period pain relief startup Somedays. We hope that you will be as excited about this new direction for Aisle’s future as we are.

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Period Poverty: A Day in the Life of a Student

Period Poverty: A Day in the Life of a Student

What does period poverty actually look like? In order to describe it, we thought about all of the stories that have been shared with our team over the past decades, and came up with a composite profile of a post-secondary student we are calling Sloan (she/they). Before we get into a day in their life, let’s review the basics about period poverty and sustainable menstrual equity.
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From Lowering Prostaglandins to PMS Remedies - 5 Tips To Heal Your Cycle Naturally

From Lowering Prostaglandins to PMS Remedies - 5 Tips To Heal Your Cycle Naturally

One of my favourite things to tell anyone who is just beginning their menstrual cycle healing journey is that your period doesn’t have to be the worst time of the month. I know that sounds wild. You might be saying to yourself, “My period sucks! It’s soooo painful! I have no energy, my mood swings are horrible, and I don’t even want to get out of bed!”.
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Plastic Pollution and Disposable Period Products: Where Does Period Waste Go?

Plastic Pollution and Disposable Period Products: Where Does Period Waste Go?

Plastics have infiltrated every aspect of our lives, from everyday items like takeout containers to shampoo/soap bottles to regularly used essentials like period products. As responsible inhabitants of this planet, it is crucial for us to comprehend the profound impact of plastics on our environment. 
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An image of Aisle pads laid out on a white background. The logos of Aisle, Free Periods Canada, The Mahwari Research Institute, and Map The System Canada are visible in the lower portion of the image.

Full Report: Supporting Menstrual Health and Equity in Post-Secondary Institutions with Reusable Menstrual Products

Free Periods Canada surveyed post-secondary students across Canada and collected 470 responses and summarized those results in a report, which is now available for download here.
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A photo of an Aisle pad and menstrual cup on a chair. Overlaid are the following logos: Free Periods Canada Foundation, Aisle, the Mahwari Research Institute and Map The System Canada

Obstacles to Students Using Reusable Menstrual Products: The Current Reality & Ways Forward

What stops students from using more sustainable and/or reusable menstrual products, and how we can promote sustainability while reducing period poverty?
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An image of a painting on a wall. The painting depicts three people, seen from the neck up, their eyes covered with a red cloth. Photo by Vulvani – www.vulvani.com

Why We Need Better Menstrual Health Education

Stigma, shame & bullying -  these are the fruits of society’s decision to avoid talking about menstrual health.
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The COVID-19 Vaccine and your period

The COVID-19 Vaccine And Your Period

There's been a lot of questions about how and whether the COVID-19 vaccines affect your period. Let's dig into them.
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