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period hacks

How Exercise Can Help Relieve Menstrual Cramps: Best Workouts for Your Period

How Exercise Can Help Relieve Menstrual Cramps: Best Workouts for Your Period

We get that the last thing you might want to do when you're on your period is exercise - especially if you experience any pain. However, some gentle, basic movements could help alleviate menstrual cramps. 
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The Best Foods to Eat During Your Period for Optimal Health and Comfort

The Best Foods to Eat During Your Period for Optimal Health and Comfort

When it comes to managing menstrual symptoms, syncing the foods you eat with your cycle can be incredibly beneficial. By understanding and incorporating certain foods into your routine, you can support your body’s needs and enhance your overall well-being during this time.
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Fertility Awareness Methods Explained

Fertility Awareness Methods Explained

I learned about the fertility awareness method from a friend over six years ago. My immediate reaction was “I could never do that” — it didn’t seem safe enough, like a less “responsible” choice than something like taking the birth control pill or having an IUD. 

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How to Use Your Menstrual Cycle to Your Advantage

How to Use Your Menstrual Cycle to Your Advantage

As period-havers, we move through our menstrual cycles with ups and downs of energy and productivity as our bodies adjust to continual hormonal shifts throughout our cycles. Here’s how to navigate your menstrual cycle and all the phases that come with it.

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Does Period Underwear Smell?

Does Period Underwear Smell?

Period underwear can come with a plethora of questions from non-believers and yet-to-be period underwear converts: Does period underwear smell? How do I wash period underwear? And what do I do to get rid of potential smells? 
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Knowing Your Ride: How Your Cycle Affects Your Mood

Knowing Your Ride: How Your Cycle Affects Your Mood

Knowing the impact of the rise and fall of your hormones on your mood throughout your cycle can allow you to create healthy routines, boundaries and practices to contribute to a more grounded and empowered menstrual experience. 
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Irregular Periods: The Why (and if) Behind Your Period Being Late

Irregular Periods: The Why (and if) Behind Your Period Being Late

The ritualistic aspect of having a regular period has provided a lot of information and guidance to me over the years. Knowing that my period is going to come around a certain time allows me to plan, both emotionally, logistically and physically. Its imminent arrival reminds me and allows me to rest, and nourish myself with certain foods and specific movements. But that deep awareness can be hard to tap into when the menstrual clock doesn’t seem to be wound right each month. 
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UTI and Your Period

UTI and Your Period

Let’s kick things off with a quick recap: UTI stands for urinary tract infection, an irritating  bacterial invasion that can bring on symptoms like burning during urination, frequent bathroom trips, and funky-smelling urine. Not exactly a party we’re looking to crash.
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A Complete Guide to Period Underwear

A Complete Guide to Period Underwear

Period underwear, period pants, period panties — or period undies as we like to call them here at Aisle - whatever you want to call them, they are having a bit of a moment right now. And, let’s be honest what’s not to like? Comfortable, eco-friendly, and easy-to-use; period underwear really does have it all!
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A person meditating

Getting Through Perimenopause: Understanding, Recognizing and Managing the Symptoms

The timing of your period is out of whack, your libido isn’t quite what it used to be and oh my god, why is it so hot in here?! Babe, don’t panic - it could be perimenopause. 

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A person with menstrual blood dripping down their leg, and a wine glass in one hand

Alcohol and its effects on the Menstrual Cycle

An increasing number of people are doing Dry January or other dry months during the year, as a way to check in with their relationship with alcohol and to explore how taking a pass on it for a few weeks affects their lives. What might they be able to expect when it comes to how alcohol affects their menstrual cycles and periods?
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How to Safely Machine Wash & Dry Cloth Period Pads & Underwear

How to Safely Machine Wash & Dry Cloth Period Pads & Underwear

If figuring out how to wash period underwear or cloth pads seems daunting - good news! Aisle undies and pads are intentionally designed to fit easily into your regular laundry routine.

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